So What Does the Brand Mean?
MATTHEW’S – Represents my mental health state. Sometimes it’s up, sometimes down, but mostly it is all over the place. I needed this to completely represent me and how I lived my life. Having mental health issues make living life much harder and I wanted to convey this as best I could.
THE THOUGHT BUBBLE – The bubble (on the jars) is the thought process. It is the ideas and creations that pop out of my head and becoming the preserves that you all know and love.
PRESERVE (d) – This has a double meaning. Making the chutneys and jams helps my mental health, therefore I am preserving myself and the fruit. It can easily be said that once in the kitchen I lose myself and immerse myself making my preserves. I love the smell of the sugar and vinegar although the latter does resonate somewhat through the house!
“Green” PRESERVED – My core values are mental health and the environment. I have a degree in Environmental Science and I’m a Chartered Waste Manager. Even though I still have a small business, I do what I can to ensure the preservation of the environment through my work and daily life.
Little ‘d‘ – This is my humour. It’s my finger up at traditional. Something which I’m definitely not and never will be!
‘PRESERVING FRUIT & MINDS‘ – This is the new tagline. For every jar we sell, 10p is donated to the mental health charity Mind UK. I have been using services like this all my life and believe in giving back to enable others to be able to receive the appropriate help.
With all these elements coming together, it means I now have a brand which I can be proud off and resonates completely with why I started. The business wouldn’t be there without me and I probably wouldn’t be here without it. Therefore we are both supporting each other.