Local Entrepreneurs Celebrate Small Business Saturday

A local entrepreneur from Nottingham, who is being profiled as part of this year’s Small Business Saturday, is encouraging the public to support the campaign on 4th December, and urging other small firms from the area to get involved. Small Business Saturday celebrates small business success and encourages consumers to ‘shop local’ and to support […]
Nottinghamshire’s Matthew’s Preserved Shortlisted for Small Awards

Matthew’s Preserved has been selected as a finalist for the UK’s top Sole to Sole Award for best self-employed small business owner, following a record number of applicants 4th APRIL 2022: Matthew’s Preserved based in Calverton, Nottingham has been shortlisted for the Sole to Sole Award for best self-employed small business owner at this year’s […]
Matthew’s Preserved reduces single use plastics

Plastic Free July What does this mean to a small business? Can a small preserves company like Matthew’s Preserved implement this into their core values? Although the title implies that one must go the whole of July using no plastic, it is in fact trying to reduce individuals and businesses alike to cut down on […]
The Brand explained

So What Does the Brand Mean? MATTHEW’S – Represents my mental health state. Sometimes it’s up, sometimes down, but mostly it is all over the place. I needed this to completely represent me and how I lived my life. Having mental health issues make living life much harder and I wanted to convey this as […]
The Rebrand (how it all came about)

Why the Rebrand? Quite simply the product outgrew the last branding. The original brand had its place but it was difficult to make the preserves stand out against competitors. Therefore a radical decision was taken to rebrand. I asked my closest friends to do a psychological profile on the jars. Needless to say the results […]
Spicy Mango Chutney wins a Great Taste Award

Our Spicy Mango Chutney has won another three-star Great Taste Award, that’s six stars in less than two years! Out of 12,777 products sent in from 106 different countries, 205 were awarded a 3-star, 1,294 received a 2-star and 3,818 were awarded a 1-star accolade. This put my chutney into the top 1.6% products for […]
Great Taste ‘Startisan’ Golden Fork 2019

Who would have thought that getting my hands on a Golden Fork would change my business in an instant. The dust has settled and I’m getting back to my normal life after what has been an incredible few weeks. From a few knew to retailers contacting me asking if I wanted to stock my products. […]
The Great Taste Awards 2019

On 1st August this year my business received the highest accolade regarded in the food and drink world. I won three-stars in the Great Taste Awards for my Spicy Pineapple Chutney. To put this into context, only 208 were awarded a three-star. This was out of 12,772 entries, from over 100 countries and my artisan […]